Sure we’ve heard about you before, but we think it’s time for Tone Deaf to get to know you a little better. Slip in to something comfortable while we put on some music, pour us a couple of drinks and turn the lights down low. So, tell us about yourselves…Who are you – who who? We really wanna know….

Who are you and what do you do in your act?

Mango Hunter – Bass, Vocals, Head rolls & other miscellaneous rock moves that can’t be taught.

‘Fess up. What records have you stolen from your parent’s record collection and why?

Mr. Gone Weather Report. This is the album that really got me into bass playing and the cover is awesome.
Jimmy Cliff – Best of… Just a classic best of that I couldn’t leave home without that I probably wouldn’t buy myself. I think dad bought it for a second time so it was more like a gift.

What’s on heavy rotation on your iPod right now?

Hendrix In The West – Jimi Hendrix (remastered live compilation). Evil Empire – Rage Against the Machine: an album you can fall in love with over and over…. and over

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‘Home taping is killing the music business was the catch-cry of the record industry in the 1970s, but it managed to survive until now. What do you think is the difference between mates taping copies of friend’s records back in the 80s and 90s and file sharing now?

I don’t remember a tape sharing distribution network when I was a kid, maybe a mixed tape taped off the radio, or the Twelfth Man series. These days you can get online and pirate anything you want in a matter of seconds. In some ways it opens up people’s ability to hear new music, but it is destroying the livelihoods of musicians and the music industry.

You must answer this question honestly or we steal your rider. What was the first gig you went to? Where was it and what was the venue?

I think it was either Archie Roach at a Bogong Moth Festival in Mt Beauty, or Weddings, Parties, Anything, Eric Bogle & John Hunter (my old man) at the Alpine Park, Wandiligong. I was only a young tacker but remember both fairly clearly. The first gig I went to independently was the Blind Boys of Alabama at the Prince of Wales – before they were cool.

What’s your favourite site to download music from and do you ever pay for it? Can we find any of your releases there?

I use iTunes for a song or two, but I like having the actual album in my hands and my collection. Our old EP is up on iTunes.

What artist made you want to pick up an instrument and/or sing?

The Beatles.

Have you ever been arrested?


Do you have any particular ritual before you go on stage, or even a lucky charm you take with you?

Just wet the hair a bit and splash some water over the face – cools you down and makes people think you are working hard from the get go.

What’s been your most outrageous rider request?

That we get our rider… 1 hour before the show. Sounds lame but a lot of venues won’t let you have the rider until 30 minutes before your show. This shit wouldn’t fly with Kanye.

Because it’s more fun to do things together, which living Australian artist would you most like to collaborate with? Tell us why?

Paul Kelly I reckon – legendary song writer and the Boon Companions always look like they are having a ball on stage playing with him.

Right, let’s get really intimate. Tell us what releases you have that we can listen to with the lights down low, or even better, where we can see you play in person next.

You can catch up with us at The Vineyard in St Kilda on December 17 and we’ll be on stage at The Espy for New Years Eve.

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