It was somewhat inevitable that this would occur. Britpop legends Pulp have announced that they’re reforming for shows at the Wireless Festival in London and also the Primavera Sound Festival in Spain next northern Summer. Joining the massive rush of Britpop bands cashing in on a wave of 90s nostalgia and some eye-watering paychecks, they’re also looking pretty good for Glastonbury where they triumphantly replaced The Stone Roses as headliners in 1995. They join Suede, Blur and hordes of others in realising that school fees are much easier to pay when you reform your old band. We await the news that Menswe@r are reforming. Nonetheless, Pulp have done it is style, with their website putting on a pretty cool presentation taking the piss out of the news they’re reforming. Check it out

Check out their era defining Glasto performance

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