Art-rock tends to get an undeservedly bad rap from certain areas of the music world. While some consider it too highbrow, others may find it to be not rough-and-tumble enough to include the word ‘rock’ in the description.

When it comes to Melbourne sextet Fierce Mild, though, they’ve managed to turn this convention on its head, delivering a remarkable style with their newest single ‘Dasein’ that’ll appeal to rock fans of all sorts.

A slow-burning piece of prog, ‘Dasein’ sees the group at their introspective best, delivering an intriguing, atmospheric, and at times eerie piece of music that draws the listener in from the opening bars.

With a title taken from the German word meaning ‘presence’, the group have gathered influence from philosophical teachings for what’s said to be the first of a trilogy on their forthcoming album, which you’ll be able to hear more of when Fierce Mild give ‘Dasein’ a hometown single launch later this month.

Give Fierce Mild’s ‘Dasein’ a listen below.

Fierce Mild – ‘Dasein’ Single Launch

Saturday, July 29th
The Curtin Hotel, Melbourne, Vic
With Crystal Myth, Orcha & Black Heart Death Cult

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