Lo-fi garage punks The Beverly Chills recently dropped their brand new self-titled LP and it’s a manic journey into the psyche of two wild Hollywood based surf punks. Having formed in the Hollywood Hills in the Summer of 2015, the band comprises of two members Twiggy Hunter (22, Vocals) and Nicky Jones (28) share revolving roles within the band.

This self-titled effort is overflowing with Hardcore Surf Punk interlaced with Alternative Jangle Rock, Spoken Word, Gothic Metal and incredibly infectious bratty feel good punk rock.

To celebrate the rlese of the LP and to get to know the guys a little better, vocalist Twiggy Hunter has given us a track by track run down of this their new record. Check it out below and if you like what you’re hearing be sure to pop by the band’s Facebook page for more info.

I’m Sick

“I wrote this track one night during a week long stay in hospital after almost dying from a blood infection from what I remember. The song is basically a spoken journey through everything that was going on and what I was feeling. I was high as fuck, I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t piss, it was hell.

I literally could have died so I was pretty bummed out, R.I.P (almost) I took the song to Nick, we sat down in the lounge room and he started jamming along with some sick tone going on, within minutes we had the entire song down. Also, I drank a whole box of ginger beers one night while I was in the Hospital then the next day I woke up and heard the nurse telling the other nurse someone stole her ginger beers. Why did a nurse have a whole box of ginger beers lying around anyway?”


“From what I remember the lyrics were inspired by a woman who got pregnant and used her preggo stomach as a way out of punishment for the crimes she was pulling off. Something like that, I read about her somewhere, something something blah blah somewhere, someone.

The song and whole vibe built up around it came pretty easy, we were jamming the riffs and singing in a continuous loop and then recorded it 10 mins later. We called it Stiffy because I got an actual stiffy while we were jamming. Like, one of those stiffies you get when you’re busting for a piss, but you squeeze your ass cheeks together and you get a boner.”


“Made the backing track on an iPad on a flight from Auckland, New Zealand to LA. Dunno who the hot girl talking is? Nick reckons he slept with her… as if.”


“Smashed this one out in five mins. Nick was pretty strung out and I was wigging on black coffee. We shouted the lyrics out line for line between each others bedrooms. The songs about someone letting go of their true human self to become a weak little trend milking sheep cunt.”

Bad In Summer

“I wanted to put a little breathy thing in the break after the intro like Chino Moreno does on ‘Deftones – Be Quiet And Drive’ but Nick dogged me and said no, so here’s his number, prank call him and ruin his LIFE… 1800-DOG!!!”

Hey Phillis

“Long story short, Phillis was our personal, on the side Uber driver in Hollywood for a while. I was in the Phillis-mobile on the way home from being tattooed by the homie @Seanfromtexas. I had a killer migraine and Phillis thought it would be a good idea to blast preachers radio, even though she said she’ll let me have some peace and quiet. I was having none of that, so I jacked off and came on the backseat of the car then never contacted Phillis again.

I got home and Nick was on the couch with our pooch Chinchin, he was jamming on a riff he had just wrote that sounded like a collaboration between DEVO and Black Flag. I was loving it, I sat down and told him what just happened, we started cracking up and I wrote the lyrics to the song. We jammed it a few times and layed it down right there and then. Fuck you Phillis!”

Who’s Ugly Now?

“The chorus “Who’s ugly now? Not me” was a quote from our homie Kurt Coleman. The rest of the song is secret, weird stuff that happened. If you listen in at 2:42 Ross Knight from Cosmic Psychos says “Who’s fucking ugly now”

… Tricked ya, but it sounds like him. Cosmic Psychos are sick, you should be doing a track by track with them, not us.”


“Our French pooch Chinchin actually wrote this song and asked if we would do our own rendition and feature it on the LP, so we did. She’s made a move back to Paris for a while but she knows deep down that her furry little dogass lives within us, always. LONG LIVE CHINCHIN.”

I Don’t Wanna Go Outside

“This song is the same line repeated over and over again. The repetitive vocals are a metaphor for the way I was feeling at the time I wrote it. Everything was going in a circle, I would take two steps forward and fall 10 steps back. I was going through a crisis so it was basically my anxiety crying out and telling my brain that it doesn’t want me to face the world.”

Stay In School

“It was either A.D.D highschool tantrum / fist fight with teachers or buy a gun and take their lives, I chose the first option then we wrote a punk song about it.”

Waste Master

“‘Wastemaster’ offers advanced, high quality products and system solutions.”

Don’t Talk To Me


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